Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My PIC Sonja wrote last week about a great Masters swim she did and how much she loved it.  I read her blog and thought about how much I miss swimming with other people.  My swimming hasn't really suffered since I left my last Masters club in March.  But it gets lonely.  Really lonely.  Pacing myself, no feet to draft off of, nobody to try to keep up with, no coach on deck telling me to pick it up or critiquing my stroke.  Some days are great in the pool, I can get going and make some decent intervals but there are other days when it just won't happen.  I'm too bored, or unmotivated, or would rather stick a fork in my eye just to make things more interesting.  I have met some tri-folks at the new pool, in fact some very fast/competitive tri-geeks, but no swimming partners have emerged.  They are fun to listen to.....and to try and count how many times Kona-guy can fit Kona in a 90-second conversation.   He is talented.  

Sonja mentioned last night at track that she was swimming Wednesday Masters and did anyone want to join???  Me, me, pick me!!!! So, I joined here this morning for 5:30am practice.  Coach Paul was everything PIC promised - it was a great workout.  I managed to get in the correct lane on the first try and was joined by Jenna - yeah!  What I didn't realize at the time was that Wednesday's are stroke days.  Uh oh!  I really don't do stroke efforts.  At all.  But it was stroke day and we did lots of it.  I figured out pretty quickly that Jenna swam in college and was a SPEEDY backstroker!  We swam for 1.5 hours, mixing up harder efforts with nice recoveries and I felt strong and good the entire time.  We ended the workout with 3x100y on 1:30 with the goal of keeping the same time on all 3.  I knocked out a 1:10, 1:10 and ended with a 1:09.....Yee Haw!  My arms were SHAKING from all the stroke but  am so fired up about the workout. Now I just have to figure out how to get to HR every couple of weeks for a Masters swim....thanks Son for letting me tag along:)  

And a DNC update.....haven't seen Clooney or anyone else famous for that matter.  My car was searched several times going into the parking garage, the 16th Street Mall looked like New York City, and I even saw a protester get arrested.  I can't wait for this to be over.

Peace out. 

1 comment:

gosonja said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it! You never know if people will be as enthused about something as you are. I'm glad you liked him, and now you have a home to come to when you get lonely in your own pool.

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