Thursday, January 15, 2009


I started this post yesterday and it went something like this:  I feel great!  I've run 19 miles so far this week and my body and mind are on board.  I feel great! Blah, blah, blah.  And I figured I would just finish up the post in the morning after my swim......

Change of plans, here is how this post is going to go:  I feel like crap.  Crap.  Crap.  When I woke up at 4:35 for Masters swim this morning, I started questioning why I am getting up so early. Usually this is not a mind game for me but I suppose now that I am unemployed, 5:15am Masters seems like a silly idea.  Silly.  Isn't there a noon practice somewhere?  The good part about practice was that it was relatively empty this morning so I initially had the lane to myself.  Which was great until I dove in, took a stroke, and thought wow my arms are sore this is going to be a long swim.  But it was sprint day so I was "comforted" by the fact that we would have short sets.  And then Fast Girl #1 showed up and got in my lane.  Of course, I had to chase her.  Swimmers, start your engines....

My arms and I survived the 3700 yard swim.  I sat in the hot tub for a few minutes, I took my time taking a shower, and then looked at the protein bar in my bag and thought to myself, nah, I'll be home before long and have a real breakfast.  Oh, you'd think I would know better by now! I am clearly not that smart!  My car decided it needed breakfast before me so I made a stop at the gas station (for those of you at home playing the how many mistakes can Michelle make before 8am game, this would be #4). By the time I got home I was in a major food/calorie deficit and, that's right, BONKED.  I ate, but it was too late.  I just wanted to go back to bed.  I drank some coffee hoping that would shock me back into reality but it didn't help.  And, much to my dismay I checked my schedule and realized I had one more workout to go.  AHHHHHH, just an easy 30 minute jog but I was completely unmotivated and exhausted.

With a little help from Michael, I got going on the jog only comforted by the fact that the couch had my name on it for the afternoon.  And then, 12 minutes into the jog?  I felt better.  A little sweat, elevate the heart rate just a bit and all was well.      

Lesson learned.  Or lessons.  5:15 masters is silly.  Keeping up with Fast Girl #1 with sore arms, really silly.  Skipping protein bar after practice extraordinarily silly.  Fueling car before me? Well silly but I might not have made it home without the gas.  I can laugh about it now since I crashed on the couch for about an hour and my belly is full.  When will I learn?  Now, I just need to make sure I am hydrated for tomorrow's 15 mile run.  If all goes well, this will be a record run week for me:  36.5 miles total.  Yee haw!

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