Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trouble in the REZ

An unbelievable day in February.......68 degrees!!!  And a perfect day for a ride, I can't think of any other way to spend a gorgeous afternoon than riding with a friend.  We left from my house for a few fun Cherry Creek Rez laps and all was going well (except truth be told Noell was clearly up for picking up the pace and kicking my a** today).  Then the unthinkable happened!!! (insert bad scary music here)  Yep, Noell flatted.  Of course, we are probably the most inexperienced tire changers EVER and so this had disaster written all over it!!!  After 15 minutes of trying to change the tire (including a phone call) here's what happened:

Of course, while I was at the shop getting hands on instruction on how to change a tire (at least he was cute), Noell had a few extra minutes of time on her hands.

And here's how it all ended up.....needless to say, we had a great ride even with our little tire changing delay.  We have both vowed to spend an evening with a tire in front of the TV and just keep changing the sucker until we have it down.  I'll even put the fire on and crack open a bottle of vino....should make for some interesting tire changing!!!

As you may have noticed (or may not or even cared for that matter), this is a first for me. Yep, these are the first videos I have posted in my blog.  Yippee!!!  And since I now know how easy it is, watch out, I may become a video uploading freak.  Although I suppose I should figure out how to condense several videos into one....can anyone out there help me with that???? Anyone????  Anyone???  Bueller??  


Noell Blevins said...

Thanks for "outing" me... now I will never hear the end of it from Beth! Ahhhhh.... good times!

Beth Tennant said...

I am speechless...which as you know is rare for me. I am impressed you knew where the bike shop was! Wish i had been riding with you! BT

Michelle said...

I outed both of us!!!!

Noell Blevins said...

True that sister!

Christy said...

I wanted to see how the 2 of you got the wheel on and off the bike, as well... I'd have been in the same boat but, carrying my whole bike. I've seen it done but, eek :)

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